Bundle configuration language

Styrene’s specification language for bundles is a .INI-style format. The config files are read with Python’s configparser module, and can be written with a standard text editor.

Section names and keys are case-insensitive. Values may be split over several lines.

See also

Main bundle specification

packages = ...
filename_stub = ...

This section defines how to create the bundle, and allows you to override settings which would otherwise be set to default values or values parsed from the packages you install.


packages = {pkg_prefix}gedit

This key lists the packages to install into the bundle, separated by spaces. Pacman will find their dependencies from your MSYS2 installation’s configured repositories, and will use and update its pacman cache.

The substitution code {pkg_prefix} is expanded either mingw-w64-x86_64- or mingw-w64-i686-.

The first item in the packages list is called the primary package. The primary package is used for lots of default values for the bundle, on the assumption that you’re bundling a single interesting piece of software.


assume_installed = {pkg_prefix}python3 {pkg_prefix}ncurses

This key lists packages that pacman should assume are installed. It has the same syntax as packages, and the same subtititions apply.

Install assumptions are a partial workaround for MSYS2’s unfortunate preference for full-fat packages with every aspect of a lib or a program thrown in. This choice tends to lead to wide dependency cascades which are fine for developer environments, but bad for lean bundling. The assume_installed key can be used to avoid installation of particularly large sub-dependencies which your app doesn’t need.

Styrene provides another workaround in the form of the delete key, but using that requires a deeper knowledge of your bundle’s system.


filename_stub = gtk3-examples

This string is used for the first part of generated installer or archive filenames. It will be suffixed with the version, an architecture spec like “-w64” or “-w32”, and the appropriate filename extension.

Characters other than alphanumerics, underscores, or hyphens are not allowed.

By default, the template string in the primary package’s name is used, with {pkg_prefix} set to the empty string.


display_name = GTK3 Examples

This key defines the display name for the bundle. You should almost always set it, and it must be unique to the software bundle being created.

The display name is used to refer to the bundle in the Add/Remove Programs dialog, and in the Start menu. It’s basically the human-readable form of filename_stub.

The suffix ” (w32)” will be appended for Win32 bundles, but not for Win64 ones. 64-bit Windows is the norm these days, 32-bit is the exception.

Default: the value of filename_stub.


description = GTK3’s test and demo apps

Provides a short, human-readable description of the bundle. This is used in the Add/Remove Programs dialog.

If this isn’t set, the description of the primary package is used.


version = 3.20.4

Overrides the version string. You almost never need to set this.

The version appears in installer and zipfile names, in the Add/Remove Programs dialog, and elsewhere. Some of these places expect a major and minor revision to be parseable from the start of the version string. Styrene uses the first two substrings that look like decimal numbers for these cases, and will default them to a zero if the string doesn’t contain those fields.

By default, the version string of the primary package is used.


url = http://example.org/

The home page URL for the backage being built.

By default, this is set to the URL property of the primary package.


launchers =

This key lists the launchers which should be installed, seprataed by whitespace. Launchers are how your users will start your bundled app(s). Entries in this section should name a desktop file, or name an equivalent launcher section (see below).

Desktop files are searched for in the installation tree, and then parsed for their [Desktop Entry] sections. The keys can then be overridden - see the section below.

These .desktop files are the typical way in which a FreeDesktop application is started on a POSIX/Linux desktop machine. See the Desktop Entry Specification for details. Styrene reads a subset of this format, and from the information contained there creates:

  • Multi-resolution icon files in .ico format
  • Native WinXX .exe launchers the root of the bundle
  • Start menu .lnk entries

Launchers can be defined entirely within a Styrene config file, which is useful if you need launchers with special Exec lines for debugging your app in a terminal or something similar.


delete =

This key provides a space-separated list of glob patterns, which will be resolved relative to the bundle root. File matches will be deleted, and folder matches will be deleted recursively.


nodelete =

This key provides a space-separated list of glob patterns, which will be resolved relative to the bundle root. Its matched files and folders will be retained, even if they have been matched by delete.

Glob patterns

The special characters used by delete and nodelete are:

Pattern Matches…
* any sequence of characters other than /
? any single character
[abc] any single character in the list (a, b, or c)
[!abc] any character not listed
** any files and/or zero or more subdirectories

If a ** is followed by a /, then it matches only a sequence of subdirectories.

Styrene use Python’s glob module for this type of path matching.

Launcher definitions

You can add sections which are named after your .desktop launchers to override fields which are otherwise parsed from the installed bundle. Sections defined here can define complete launchers too, even if there is no corresponding file on disk.

name = ...
comment = ...

All launchers need to be listed in the main [bundle]’s launchers key. Launcher definitions will not create anything on disk unless they define a name and an exec line. Everything else is optional.

The keys in launcher defnition sections are case-insensitive.

The values defined in a launcher definition section can use the standard substitution codes, as described in the section below.


Name = Event Axes

Provides a display name for the launcher, or overrides an existing name. This should be unique amongst all launchers belonging to this app: it will be turned into the name of a .lnk shortcut file installed in the start menu.

The file name of the lanucher itself is derived from the .desktop file name, or the name of the launcher section, and cannot be changed.


Comment = Test fancy input events

A short, human-readable explanation of what the launcher is or does. This is only used in installed start menu shortcuts.


Icon = input-tablet

This is the name of the icon to make for the launcher. When Styrene seees that a launcher has an icon, it generates a single .ico file in the bundle’s _icons folder. These icons are compiled into the launcher .exe, and referred to by any .lnk shortcuts installed in the Start menu.

Styrene only knows how to build these from PNG icons installed in $PREFIX/share/icons/{Adwaita,default}. It also trusts that the size is what is claimed by the directory structure. However, unlike png2ico which we could have used, Styrene’s generated icons contain a 256x256 PNG icon.


Exec = gtk3-demo --run=event_axes
Exec = python2w.exe {msystem_subdir}/bin/mypaint %f

The program to execute, possibly with arguments. This key has the syntax defined in the Desktop Entry Specification, and the same semantics to the extent we can make it work under Windows.

Styrene follows these rules whan making its .exe launchers:

  1. Styrene looks up the program in what will be the bundle’s $PREFIX\bin after deployment
  2. If the program is a .exe, the binary launcher will try to call it directly with CreateProcessW(), having done any argument expansion needed.
  3. More complex command lines are passed to the MSYS2 bash.
  4. You can force use of bash by setting the Terminal or StyreneLaunchUsingShell overrides.

Using CreateProcessW() directly on an executable can make the user experience nicer. Apps will be pinnable (they will be assigned the same appid as start menu .lnk shortcuts), and Styrene will hide any CMD window associated with the app sensibly.

Styrene launchers respect the following field codes in Exec:

Code Interpretation
%f A single file name.
%F A list of file names. Each is passed as a separate argument.
%u Treated as %f by styrene.
%U Treated as %F by styrene.


Terminal = true

If this boolean value is set to true, it forces the launcher to invoke the command via bash in a visible CMD window. The user will be asked to press return when the command has exited.


StyreneLaunchUsingShell = true

This key is a Styrene-specifc extension to the .desktop file format. It works like Terminal, however the window bash runs in will be hidden. Only use this if your application needs it.


MimeType = image/openraster;image/png;

This key is a list of MIME types the launcher can open. Styrene converts this into a list of Windows file name extensions, and offers the user a choice about whether to associate your launcher with those extensions during installation.

This normally requires the shared-mime-info package to be installed in the bundle tree. When Styrene creates an installer, it consults all the XML files in mingw*/share/mime/packages/*.xml to discover which extensions the types map to.

Standard substitutions

Styrene sometimes applies substitutions to the values you define in in the bundle specification file. Places where this happens are noted above. The standard substitutions which can be applied are very limited:

Token Expansion
{bits} Number of bits for the target system: 32 or 64.
{msystem_subdir} Subdir for the target, mingw64 or mingw32.
{pkg_prefix} Prefix for package names, e.g. mingw-w64-x86_64-.

Styrene uses the Python “braces” format string syntax.